The Master Cleanse / Lemonade Diet Blog

A daily log of my experience with the famous and intimidating 10-day Master Cleanse/Lemonade Diet.

DAY 14: Final Thoughts

My adventure with the Master Cleanse / Lemonade Diet is officially over and it's been exciting and rewarding, I'm back to solid foods now. Don't try to eat solids again too soon, WORK YOUR WAY THERE each day. Post-cleanse dieting should go like this...

Day 11: drink watered down orange juice (half water, half juice). OJ has 120 calories per serving so that's why we water it down, but it's also good for getting your system used to "heavier" liquids than the lemonade and tea.

DAY 12: more OJ water and have a bowl of soup.

DAY 13: I didn't like the OJ much so I still drink the lemonade mix, but have more water. had a yogurt/granola late this morning and big fruit salad early this eve.

Thanks to everyone who cheered me on! No love for the haters though (kidding. kinda)!

DAY 10

Day 10 of the Master Cleanse / Lemonade Diet. My LAST DAY but the liquid diet continues for the next few days as I ready to build my digestive system back up for solids. HEALTHIER solids.

END WEIGHT: 131lbs --- I lost 9.


Day 9 of the Master Cleanse / Lemonade Diet. Considering the idea of sticking to the cleanse a few more days and, in addition to the lemonade, doing more salt washes rather than tea (for more prodcive eliminations). So far 9lbs slimmer! ONE DAY LEFT!


Day 8 of the Master Cleanse / Lemonade Diet. Thinking ahead about how I plan to keep healthy changes in my diet post-cleanse. Also, urine is currently a really VIBRANT color (fyi). (tmi?).


Day 7 of the Master Cleanse / Lemonade Diet. Sleeping better and feeling partciularly well rested lately, also ENERGIZED after eliminations. No hunger pains! ONE WHOLE WEEK DOWN, 3 days left!


Day 6 of the Master Cleanse / Lemonade Diet. Remember to make sure you are keeping the proper measurements for the lemonade! If it tastes sweet, it's mixed wrong.


Day 5 of the Master Cleanse / Lemonade Diet. HALFWAY THERE! Lots of random trips to the bathroom today resulting in mostly liquid eliminations. Ew.